The first pregnant woman has given birth

Our partner Lola told us a few months ago, and today it has come true: Thomas Beatie, the first pregnant man, has given birth To a girl.

Recall that Thomas Beatie is a 34-year-old transsexual from Oregon, United States, who retains his female reproductive organs and underwent an artificial insemination process thanks to which he became pregnant and has finally managed to become a father. Thomas has given birth this week at the St Charles Medical Center in Bend, Oregon.

He had a delivery without complications and both he and the little girl are well and have already been discharged. The baby was scheduled to be born by caesarean section scheduled today, but early contractions He was taken to the hospital earlier this week. The hospital did not want to confirm how the baby came to the world.

Thomas and his wife wanted to keep those moments private (for now), so the hospital kept strong security measures and took the father to a room away from where other mothers were about to give birth.

Yesterday they were seen leaving the hospital for a private exit, escorted by security guards. So much secrecy has its reason: there are exclusive millionaires involved. We will find out everything thanks to the photographs and a documentary that has been shot accompanying the parents during pregnancy and childbirth.

But, leaving aside the yellow side of the story, what can I say about this extraordinary unprecedented situation?

Taking into account the difficulties suffered by people born in a wrong body to find balance and well-being, I praise this decision of Thomas who, despite finally being and feeling man, has left may his woman's past give him the gift of motherhood.

Many men say that what they envy most about women is the fact that they cannot take their children inside. He has succeeded.

Video: AP focus on high mortality rate for mothers during childbirth (July 2024).