First Days Program to help the mother in the puerperium

There are many cares that a newborn baby needs and the mother is not usually one hundred percent during the first few days, so any help is welcome.

Some municipalities offer a service of personalized assistance for the mother who just gave birth to help her with the baby, guide her on breastfeeding and give her a hand with household chores such as shopping, cleaning, food or caring for the rest of the children.

In the municipality of Madrid, for example, the program is called First days, is free and consists of visiting a home assistant to help the mother during the first four months of the baby's life. According to the needs, the help can be from 14 to 100 hours.

It is aimed at families with certain characteristics such as single-parent families, large families (from the birth of the third child), multiple births and families with people with disabilities.

The requirements are to be registered in the municipality of Madrid and submit the application in the register of the Family and Social Services Government Area from one month before the expected date of birth, up to one month after delivery.

This type of assistance is also provided by some foster associations and mainly by the doulas, in charge of lovingly accompanying the mothers during the first stage of postpartum.

Video: Caring for your perineum after the birth of your baby (July 2024).