Woman invited to cover her breast when breastfeeding her baby on a plane

It seems incredible that it has happened again. Rather, it has jumped to the news, because I am convinced that similar situations happen every day anywhere in the world even if they do not come to light.

A mother thrown out of a restaurant or forced to get off a plane about to take off for breastfeeding her respective children in public are some of the cases we have echoed to show that absurd people can be found in anywhere.

The last case we know is that of a mother from Vancouver (United States) to whom a flight attendant He has suggested that he cover his chest by offering a blanket to cover himself while feeding his baby.

The mother has said she had raised her shirt discreetly to breastfeed her hungry baby. Come on, what any breastfeeding mother does when her baby is hungry. I don't think any woman looks for the exhibition, but simply to meet her son's needs.

Naturally, the woman has felt offended and is considering filing WestJet, the company she was traveling with, a complaint for acting against human rights.

It is not easy to make understand that loving is a right of the mother and the baby. The mother has the right to breastfeed her baby wherever she pleases and of course the baby has the right to eat when she is hungry (more was missing!), It doesn't matter if it's at home, in a store or on a plane to thousands of feet tall.

Video: Flying With Breastmilk. The United Airlines agent said WHAT?! - DO BETTER FOR MOMS, UNITED! (July 2024).