Neither hamsters nor exotic pets

Children under five years old they should avoid having hedgehogs, hamsters, chickens, small lizards and turtles as pets due to the health risks they represent, according to a report by the American Pediatric Association.

There is evidence that these animals are carriers of dangerous germs, which can even be fatal. They also have a higher risk of bite or scratch than dogs and cats, which have always been the favorite pets.

Since young children have a developing immune system and often put their hands in their mouths, they are vulnerable to possible pathologies derived from these types of animals. About 11% of salmonella infections in children come from contact with small lizards, turtles and other reptiles. Hamsters and chicks can also carry this germ.

To exemplify a case, one of the authors of the study, Joseph Bocchini, explained a recent case in which he treated a child of salmonella infected by the iguana they had at home, who lived loose at home. The boy recovered satisfactorily, but was admitted four weeks in the hospital.

With supervision and taking care to wash your hands after being with them, contact with animals is "something good"Bocchini commented, but it is recommended to wait for the child to be older before bringing an exotic pet home.

Video: Mouse-like Hamster babies (July 2024).