Relieve pain with non-pharmacological techniques (freedom of movement)

We started talking in general about Non-pharmacological options for pain relief. The first of the possibilities available to relieve pain is for the woman to have freedom of movement. This, which seems very simple, has been impossible with the usual protocols of Western maternity for decades. The women remained bedridden, venous and with continuous monitoring, in many cases internal. The birth was lengthened in a posture that makes the baby not have the help of the force of gravity or the movements of his mother to go down and fit. The woman, deprived of food and drink, was not stifled, with all the weight on her back. He could not walk in the moments in which he felt with encouragement between the contractions or seek the most effective position to cope with them.

Women should not lie on their backs during labor. They should be encouraged to walk during dilation work and choose the position they want for the time of birth-birth (World Health Organization)

The O.M.S and numerous actual studies They point out that freedom of movement is one of the factors that best affect the development of childbirth and the ability of the parturient to find a way to relieve it in the posture that is most comfortable. During dilation, it affects less epidural use, less pain sensation, shortening of the initial phase of labor and even minor changes in the fetal heart rate pattern.

At expulsive the woman should be able to decide in which posture she feels more comfortable to push. Lithotomy is not the most morphologically appropriate, because the birth canal is in a position that makes the fetus's progress much more difficult. If the woman wishes, having a childbirth chair or being able to squat, kneel or even vertically should be able to do so because it is not something that negatively influences the safety of childbirth, but the opposite.

Video: How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain - Crazy Fast Sciatica Cure. Easy Energy Therapy - Try It Now. . (July 2024).