Estivill books with La Vanguardia

Starting tomorrow, La Vanguardia will give readers the chance to acquire a collection of 20 books by Dr. Estivill starting with the titled "Menjar is fun" (The food is fun).

The collection is intended for Catalonia, but it can also be purchased in the rest of Spain through the La Vanguardia website or through the telephone number indicated in the promotion.

To be able to comment on a topic and make a decision, especially in the world of parenting, in which, as many parents say "each one tells us a different thing"It is important to know all the points of view and thus, with information, make a decision on which path to take.

I have at home the Go to sleep kid and I read the To eat, more than anything to know the most behavioral aspect of parenting for the care of my child (and to speak with knowledge of cause). Maybe someone is interested in this collection because if I have something quite clear and I already mentioned it, it is that as we study years and years to have a university degree and just as we learn a trade, we must also learn how to care for and raise our children because, Unfortunately, the instincts are now quite depleted, and books are a good source of wisdom To know some answers.

Now, I recommend books that have a medical basis and therefore scientific support. Unfortunately, this man's books don't have it.

Video: El mapa del cielo , Félix J Palma - Plaza & Janés. (July 2024).