Salupedia: virtual encyclopedia on health

Just a couple of months ago he was born Salupedia, a new social website based on collaboration between health professionals and citizens.

It is a space that can be very useful for parents with children as it contains information backed by professionals on health in general and also on pediatrics with topics such as childhood obesity, anorexia in the child, safe toys, allergies, congenital heart disease, diseases and others They will continue to increase.

Being a social website, a community is created in which professionals recommend health content already existing on the network while users can participate by valuing, commenting and creating forums based on these contents.

Sometimes we start researching on the Internet about health issues without being sure of the reliability of the information, which can cause us great distress, or it is too specific and we fail to understand it. In this case, the contents are recommended by experts, giving us greater peace of mind.

In addition, the project is subsidized by the Ministry of Industry through the Avanza Plan and is supported by prestigious organizations such as the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, the Argentine Medical Association and the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Official site |

Video: Manuel Traver - WTHS2012 - Jornada 2 - Mesa Redonda 1. Salupedia 34 (May 2024).