Two parents accused of giving drugs to their 17-month-old daughter

Humanity never ceases to amaze. We are capable of the best and unfortunately the worst. This news leans in the balance towards what should never happen.

Two parents of a 17-month-old girl are being tried these days at the Provincial Court of Cantabria accused of giving drugs to his daughter.

The alarm of this situation occurred in July 2006 when the family went to La Arena campsite, in Arnuero. During the night the girl left the tent barefoot and crying.

Campers approached and saw that their parents slept without noticing the situation. It had to be the Civil Guard who woke them up loudly.

As the agents commented, both the mother and father were “K.O. total", waking up neither of us "Coordinated well" and the mother didn't even ask for her daughter.

Following these facts toxicological analyzes of the small one were carried out that determined that there were indications of having repeatedly used cocaine and hashish.

The parents, in their defense, comment that the mother consumed sporadically during the period of breastfeeding, which was 12 months. The mother also added that sometimes, to clean the child's pacifier, when there was no water, he put it in his mouth.

Forensics, on the other hand, consider that, since the tests were carried out six months after stopping breastfeeding, it is a long time for the effects of transmission through this route to remain evident.

On the pacifier they indicated that to be transmitted in this way the consumption had to be “Recent and many times” in the case of cocaine. As for hashish, the transmission should have been made when the girl inhaled the smoke, passively, from an environment in which this substance was smoked.

The two parents, now separated, admit to being sporadic consumers although they deny that they did so in the presence of their daughter and affirm that she could not have access to her, since she was not at home. They deny that it could be administered by another person to take care of it.

They face a request for a sentence of 10 years in jail and a fine of 300 euros for a crime against public health (for supplying or providing substances to minors) and another two years and three months in jail for abandonment of minors, in addition to his disqualification to exercise parental authority for six years.

It is certainly a very sad news. It is hard to understand that two adults can live this way without taking responsibility What does having a daughter mean?

The mother, in defense, was still able to say, covering herself with glory: "If I came to know that it was harmful to my daughter, I would have given her a bottle", that I say that it is not bad that now you realize things and worry about your daughter, but you could have fixed it saying “if I get to know that it was harmful to my daughter, I would have tried to stop the drug”, for example .

Video: Mom suspected of abusing 6-week-old baby to death (July 2024).