The announced death of the mercury thermometer

As of today, when we consider what thermometer to choose to take the temperature of our children, we must exclude the thermometer of all life, that of mercury, that we shake until we break our wrists to lower the hairline.

Some time ago we learned about the ban on manufacturing these thermometers by the European Union because of the risk posed by the metal with which they are made for humans, the ecosystem and wildlife.

However, the deadlines have been extended more than desired since it is a toxic and easily breakable item that children usually handle. Two and a half years after announcing this measure, finally today, April 3, is the day on which the commercialization of any measuring instrument that has mercury is prohibited.

As of today they cannot be sold in pharmacies. If you have one at home you can use it, but if you are going to throw it away, do not throw it away, you should take it to a clean point. And of course, be very careful to leave it within the reach of children, as contact with mercury can cause allergic reactions, irritations and the accumulation of small doses can even trigger various nervous diseases.

A useful tip if you break a mercury thermometer at home: you should put on gloves to pick up the balls with paper or masking tape. You should not use a vacuum cleaner or cleaning products and put the balls in a container with a non-metal lid and throw it to the clean spot. You should also throw away the gloves.

For the rest, we recommend that you change those of mercury for more modern thermometers that are equally very effective. There are digital, infrared and even remote.

It's time to retire the old mercury thermometer.

Video: How did Freddie Mercury contract AIDS? (July 2024).