Antioxidants, essential for good semen quality

The couple's fertility is influenced by a lot of factors. Among them we can mention, stress, lifestyle and of course, food. Just as women should start caring for their diet in the search for a pregnancy, men would also have to start paying attention to their diet to improve the quality of their sperm.

Spanish researchers have just published a study on the subject. Affirm that semen quality depends on dietary antioxidants. These are molecules that are mainly present in fruits and vegetables and that are capable of retarding and preventing the oxidation of other molecules.

By consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as citrus fruits, peppers or spinach, the oxidative process that ages cells is impaired by impairing semen quality and improves both the concentration and mobility and morphology of sperm.

It is not the first time that the consumption of fruits and vegetables is related to improve male fertility, so the theory seems to be reinforced that adding five daily rations of these foods helps to prevent the lack of vigor of the sperm.

Male fertility has declined significantly in recent decades. It's not by chance. Bad eating habits have a lot to do with this. Anyway, the Mediterranean diet seems to be adequate because the semen of the Spaniards is one of the most effective, however it is not necessary to neglect.

To keep that in mind if you plan to look for a baby, some of the foods that contain antioxidants are:

  • Fruits: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, kiwis, grapes, blueberries, plums, citrus fruits, papayas, apples, pineapples, avocados.

  • Vegetables: garlic, leeks, spinach, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, onions, peppers, peppers, squash, broccoli, cabbage, watercress.

  • Others: legumes (peas, corn, shingles, chickpeas), nuts (nuts), vegetable oils, cereals, fish, meat and dairy.

Video: Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count. UCLA Urology - #UCLAMDChat Webinar (July 2024).