The most used names in Spain: Pablo

Pablo was the third most used baby (child) name in the year 2.008, behind Daniel and Alejandro. That third position is already known to him, since both in 2006 and in 2007 he was also the third.

Last year there were 5,911 parents who decided their son would be called Paul. For those who want to know a little about this name I leave the following information:

Meaning: Pablo is a masculine name of Latin origin "Paulus" that means "The minor", "He who is small or weak" or "Man of humility". How's Pablo: It is rational, sincere and sociable. He likes to excel in the activities he performs. He is interested in everything that happens around him and is of good character.

Love: You need your partner to offer you stability and harmony.

Date: June 29 (St. Paul).

Variants of Pablo: Polo, Paulino. In its old form it would be Paulo. His feminine is Paula.

Pablo in other languages:

  • Catalan: Pau.
  • French and English: Paul.
  • Italian: Paolo, female: Paola.

Famous and famous historical figures with the name of Pablo:

  • Pablo Neruda, was born in Parral, Chile in 1904. Pablo Neruda was his pseudonym as a poet since his real name was Neptalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. He was Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.
  • Pablo Picasso, was born in Malaga in 1881. He is one of the most important artists of the twentieth century, painter and sculptor with more than 20,000 works.
  • Pau Casals was born in Vendrell in 1876. He is considered one of the most influential cellist directors, composers and violinists of the 20th century.
  • Paul Newman, born in Ohio in 1925, was a well-known American actor, director and producer, winner of two Oscar awards.
  • Paul Mccartney, born in Liverpool in 1942, is a musician and singer known above all for being one of the members of The Beatles.

Video: Spanish Baby Names. Parents (July 2024).