Being a dad: examples of white noise in action

A little over a month ago I brought you to the blog a recommendation to help babies sleep: white noise.

I tried to explain it in the best possible way (and I even think there are those who understood me), however you already know that a picture is worth a thousand words and, if it is a video, it is still worth more.

Dr. García Tornel, of which we have already spoken sometime, published a couple of videos this month with children being calmed by white noise. I have used one of them, the most shocking, to head this entry. At the end of it you will find a couple more examples that run on YouTube.

Many will ask why. Why do you calm down just listening to that noise so ... annoying?

He White noise mask the rest of the sounds. It is possible that when they hear them they stop even hearing themselves crying and make them stop because "eps, if I don't cry anymore ...".

On the other hand, as explained in the previous entry, the white noise seems to closely resemble the sound of fluids flowing and in general to life inside the womb of his mother and therefore would help him calm down.

Whatever the mechanism of action, the truth is that it is a resource that many parents use (make the baby fall asleep in the kitchen with the extractor on, for example) to sleep or to calm them and the best of Everything is that it works.

I leave you with the other videos, one of them uses an open tap and the other uses the aid dryer (although it gives me the impression that it points towards the child ...):

Video: Noises Dads Make. CH Shorts (July 2024).