When you are a mother nothing will be the same

I leave this video that has made me cry with emotion, maybe I am a sensitive but it has made me feel many things and identify with the author. It is a text that a mother writes to her daughter when she tells him that she has thought about having a baby. The mother looks at her daughter and does not know how to tell her that when I am a mother nothing will be the same.

And it is true, when you have a child, your own life stops being so important, you would give your life for your child and at the same time you want to live many years to be by his side when he needs you. Your dreams are no longer the priority. Your work, which before could be the center of your thoughts, will always be in the background and your heart will look forward to seeing your little one wherever you are.

When you see a misfortune, know of a war, an accident or a fire, you will be distressed thinking that it could have happened to your son. The images of sick and hungry children shake you with sorrow and fear, for them and if something similar could happen to your little one.

True, the fear of losing it never leaves you at all. But it is that love is so immense that it is inevitable, you have become a lioness who takes care of her cub, an old, protective and brave female. Being a mother gives you a lot of strength.

Your perspective of the world changes, what was important becomes secondary. Money, work, beauty, success, sex, everything gives importance to something very powerful and ancient, as powerful and as old as life.

Yes. It is true.When you are a mother nothing is the same than before And you will never regret it: you have discovered the greatest love you can feel. I hope you like the video as much as I do and it makes you find in your heart these emotions.

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Video: Your Mother Means Nothing To You? - Very Emotional (July 2024).