The Faith of Valencia designs garments to facilitate kangaroo method

We have talked several times about the kangaroo method, which allows premature babies to be in skin-to-skin contact with their mother with the development benefits that this entails. The University Hospital La Fe of Valencia has designed some garments that allow the mother or father to keep the newborn glued to their bodies comfortably And simple.

The textile set, designed by the neonatologist Blanca Gascó, is composed of a belt that facilitates the subjection of the baby to the thorax of the mother, or of the father, and by a nightgown that covers the whole upper part of the body, to protect and shelter the parent.

I imagine that so far similar systems have been used to keep the baby next to the mother's body, but this garment seems to improves grip from the baby to the lap in an easy, safe and comfortable way, thus promoting body contact between parents and children that can be carried out both in the health center and in the home itself.

The garment is made in two colors, white and beige, is a washable material and is available in several sizes, for moms and dads. According to its creator,

“The main objective of the set is to take another step in the quality of the kangaroo method, since thanks to this support the mother can rest her arms while resting on an armchair and reach the maximum level of relaxation, so that the emotional bond between mother and son it becomes better ”.

The practice of the kangaroo method requires a period of time greater than one or two hours in a row, so it is necessary a comfortable posture, with the back well supported, and to be able to move the arms regularly to avoid numbness. In that sense, the hospital's neonatology service also wants to improve, and has acquired several armchairs where you can relax with the baby in your lap, with the aim of achieving maximum relaxation in the mother or father and baby.

I think it's a great idea this garment that can favor the practice of the kangaroo method, and also sure that by providing more security to parents they are encouraged to put it into practice more often and longer, also outside the hospital. I hope it will be available very soon in each hospital.

Video: Roland Graf: From the Ground Up (July 2024).