Leonor and Sofia dolls

We already knew the existence of the doll of the Infanta Leonor, which has become depleted for Christmas three years ago. As expected, very timely coinciding with the Christmas proximity, the doll of his younger sister, the Infanta Sofia, has just been presented.

The dolls of the infants Leonor and Sofia they are a creation of the Alicante firm Antonio Juan, of which, by the way, my daughters have a doll with a very real look (real, for resembling reality I mean, not for being royalty).

Two dolls are marketed by Leonor: a baby one (the one that sold out three years ago) and a schoolgirl dress. Now 5,000 new units will be manufactured with their corresponding dress closet that has been worn by the firstborn of the Princes of Asturias in their official appearances.

For its part, the Sofia doll will also manufacture 5,000 units in two versions: one with a school uniform and the other with a red dress for a price that will be around 30 euros.

The two dolls with their corresponding dresses have the whole look of becoming the star gift of the next Christmas. And it seems that not only girls like to play with royal dolls, but also makes their mothers excited.

What is clear is that if you want the Magi to bring the dolls in their bags, you will have to write them the letter before they run out.

Video: olhos de agua 3 (July 2024).