You can already know who your baby will look like

If you can't wait to find out who your baby will look like, this site is screaming at you. Is about Make me babies, a website where you can see what your future baby looks like. To do this you have to upload a photo of us and the father (or who we wish it were) and we will get the photo of our baby.

We can also combine with photos of celebrities that are already uploaded on the web, such as Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Hanna Montana, Johnny Depp ...; or try to see what the children would be like between a couple of "celebrities".

The web is simple to use. To be able to do the genetic combinations We want to register with our data and an email address, selecting a password to open the personal account. Then we download one of our photos (or of the couple, or whoever we want) with the condition of appearing with the face uncovered and without glasses so that the mixture is possible.

We can do all the combinations we want, two by two, to see what the children would be like. Some time ago we brought you this fun experiment to know what our future baby would look like, and we saw the images of Elvis and Marilyn's virtual children on the one hand and Sreck and The Little Mermaid on the other. Amazing mixes ...

On the web Make Me Babies they have "made" more than 21 million babies... No doubt a funny curiosity, but that surely will have little to do with reality ... We only have to look at two children of the same parents (other than identical twins, of course). And you, can you wait to know who your baby will look like?

Official Site | MakeMeBabies On Babies and more | Who will my baby look like? Children who look like their dogs, A definite genetic inheritance

Video: Seeing What Our Future Baby Will Look Like For First Time! Surprising Results (July 2024).