Maternal mobbing and work pressure at work

Continuing with our series of Work and Pregnancy, today we are going to touch one of the points that do more damage to the workers; maternal mobbing. Mobbing is the psychological harassment of the worker to get him to voluntarily leave his job. This type of harassment is a very complicated harassment to justify and prove but exist, it exists every day in many companies.

In the relations between company and workers, within the development of professional tasks, personal assessment must be above all, first of all giving priority to mutual respect in the treatment and respect for the work done. To define this harassment of women, the term "maternal mobbing" has been coined, an incorrect term that should be defined as "mobbing for reasons of sex" or "mobbing towards women".

How is maternal mobbing detected?

To detect maternal mobbing it is enough that We evaluate the work environment of women before and after of a situation of pregnancy or lactation. Mobbing begins with the cooling of relations, breaking with communication, summarizing the contact only and exclusively to the essential issues and with a hypothetical modification of working conditions within the position held by women.

In addition to this maternal mobbing, there is a branch of psychological pressure exerted by the company that is based on the job instability of the women he hires, always denying indefinite contracts and preventing the necessary stability that anyone needs to fully develop their profession.

The latest statistics emerge very important differences between the hiring of women and men and even more important differences in the case of young women. Since in the position of temporary contracts no claim can be made, it is necessary that the figure of mobbing be eliminated in labor relations with workers in indefinite contracts.

Strategy to eradicate mobbing: combat with the same weapons

Mobbing is a crime which is strongly persecuted by the courts, there being a very firm legal proposal to make mobbing a criminal offense. In the case of gender mobbing, there will be aggravating factors when applying penalties, since a double crime is committed against workers and against discrimination.

To fight against these types of cases, a great psychological force and greater will than the aggressor is needed. The worker who suffers mobbing in any of its variants, is harassed, belittled, or undervalued within her job, must get all the necessary material evidence to be able to report the person and by extension company in which the harassment occurs.

In these cases, recordings of conversations, videos, photographs, offensive documents and evidence of witnesses who see how the worker has lost her rights or is being harassed for being pregnant, having enjoyed a maternity leave or claiming the times that correspond to her for hours Breastfeeding as fundamental causes framed within harassment due to sex are essential.

The next step is the complaint; before the court of instruction providing all the evidence that we have in our possession and probably, the affected worker is in need of a medical evaluation related to her own psychological stability after having been subjected to such torture.

There is no other way than the complaint against the company, with the guarantees of not losing the job, because a dismissal of a woman who has been pregnant is void unless very serious causes of contractual breach are proven by the trainer. As we can see, it is only necessary for companies to change their attitude and put themselves in the shoes of the woman who wishes to have a child while also wishing to make her personal and family life compatible. It is not that difficult, of course.