Child safety tips in the pool

In summer, the pool becomes one of the best entertainment for the little ones. It is a very beneficial activity for children, both for their motor, physical and emotional development.

But we must not forget that where there is water and children, extreme precautions must be taken, so we will list some Child safety tips in the pool.

For the experience to be positive and at the same time safe for them there are certain measures that parents must always take into account to prevent accidents such as falls or (God forbid) drowning.

  • Do not take their eyes off: it is the triteiest advice, but it is necessary to repeat it a thousand times. Accidents happen in just a second of distraction. Children are very fast and intrepid, so inside the pool they must be guarded at all times, whether they go with floats or already know how to swim without them.

  • The pool must be surrounded by a fence of at least 1.30 high and with bars that should not be separated from each other by more than 11 centimeters. The access door to the pool must have a latch or lock that children cannot open on their own.

  • For private swimming pools there are approved safety devices such as pool alarms. In the event of a fall, a fixed part installed at the edge or inside the pool emits a sound signal to the base by radio.

  • As soon as you enter the pool, place the sleeves, the float or the safety system that we use. Thus, if by accident it falls into the water we will be sure that it will not sink. It is important to buy this type of inflatable accessories and toys with your head since those that are not supported by the European Community security controls can be defective.

  • Do not allow them to run or push around the pool; They could slip or fall into the water.

  • Exercise caution on slides and do not allow them to play with drains, grilles or pool cleaning accessories.

  • Explain to the child the behavior they must have in the water (do not throw themselves from the curb on top of others, do not try to hold on to another child who is in the water, do not throw themselves near the steps, etc.)

  • Do not throw toys in the pool. The temptation to pick up a toy that is floating or sinking can cause an accident, so make sure you keep all toys out of the water.

  • If the child is still small, it is convenient to restrict an area of ​​the pool, in the shallowest area and near the curbs. This will run less risk and will be easier to control for the adult.

  • In public swimming pools it is advisable to locate the lifeguard to go to him / her in case of any emergency.

  • It is not to scare you, but in case of drowning it is very important to know how to do a cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It can help a lot while help arrives.

Video: Swim Safety for Kids. Rules for the Pool (July 2024).