Prevent obesity from the family

If there is an important area in which We can act to prevent the obesity of our children, that is the family. In addition, the family is usually involved in many of the interventions carried out, both in the community and in schools and health centers.

Because for the task of prevention of obesity in children, one of the greatest evils in the health of children, the whole society, family, school, health ...

Different interventions carried out in the United States aimed at fathers and mothers to improve the diet and increase physical activity show changes and improvements in the body mass index of children and in the diet and physical activity of the whole family.

The recommendations set forth in the "Clinical Practice Guide on the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity", which is part of the National Health System guide program and emerges from previous research and practical applications are:

  • The need to involve fathers in programs aimed at improving diet and increasing physical activity to prevent obesity.
  • Educational programs aimed at the family are required to promote a healthy lifestyle, affecting healthy eating, training for the understanding of nutritional information on food labeling and promotion of active leisure.
  • It is recommended to involve boys and girls in the purchase of food and the promotion of simple culinary techniques. Make them participants in the meals from their planning and preparation.
  • It is recommended that boys and girls make regular meals, with the presence of the family and without distraction elements (such as television).

Some guidelines are very simple to carry out and of which we speak frequently in Babies and more, as of the importance of eating as a family. And they need everyone's involvement to prevent obesity from the family and form healthy habits in our children.

Video: Preventing Childhood Obesity (July 2024).