Birth Photographers, professional photographers for childbirth

I have already commented once that I would not like to have too much company during childbirth, even with the lover I am from the photographs, I wanted a camera at that time. But many moms do want immortalize childbirth beyond our memory, and maybe they opt for a professional photographer.

Birth Photographers is the website of professional photographers for childbirth in which we can find the sample of his works in such a special moment.

In it we find the International Association of Professional Photographers of Labor (The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers, IAPBP). This Association puts itself at the service of prospective parents seeking professionals to immortalize births.

I found it a good resource, because surely many photographers are not willing to do this type of work, and if we want a more than acceptable result, it may be the best option.

In the directory we find photographers mainly from the United States, although there are also some from Australia, Canada and Puerto Rico. You can check their work on their own websites, which are also linked. On the page of Birth Photographers We also find links to look for midwives or doulas, for those who want their delivery to be attended at home.

I consider that photography is an art, but if it shows us with quality the unique and exciting moments of childbirth, it becomes a small treasure. So Birth Photographers, the directory of professional photographers for childbirth, it can be a step to make us our first baby album.

Official Site | Birth Photographers In Babies and more | Video of a natural birth at home, Beautiful photo report of a home birth, Shocking photo of a birth under water

Video: Birth Photographer: Capturing Raw Intimate Images of Motherhood (July 2024).