Family hugs

If there is something that characterizes our society, it is the difficulty with which affections are shown. That, many times influences us in our family environment. Family hugs are a very special moment And fun that I recommend to all.

A hug (achuchón, jumble ...) is ideal to laugh, to touch us, to tell us how handsome we are, how good we smell or what we love. There are hugs for all occasions, it is always a good time to do it.

Especially recommended are family hugs when one of the components is decayed, has had a bad time, or even to overcome anger or tantrums, to apologize for something we have done wrong, to show that we love to squeeze the other.

Needless to say anything, contact with our children and partner already says a lot about what we want to express (and they to us), and improves our mood and self-esteem. If we add the words to it, the hug is completed with what we want to tell you, what we do not want to stay inside because we have already kept silent during the day.

They are without speaking, for example, hugs between little brothers What to promote Some children who still do not know how to express their feelings linguistically, but are very clear about their gestures and enjoy the hugs between them as much as we do.

I miss these signs of affection with my parents in my childhood, and without intending it is something that I don't think happens with my daughters. In fact, I don't know what reason could cause us to stop practicing these collective hugs, maybe I miss them when they're teenagers ...

It would probably cost me much less to express my feelings to the elders (among them, my parents) if I had had a few "classes" of collective hug.

Of course, when they are small, watch with the "uncontrolled" signs of affection during the hug, because if the elderly sometimes would like to take a piece of skunk or little leg, the children seem to be the same with us (or between the little brothers) ... but they don't deprive themselves of biting to try.

In short, hugs are ideal for improving our children's self-esteem and our own. And especially after hugging we will see how what a few hours ago seemed unsurpassed, now ceases to have significance before the best collective hug in family and have so close, within reach of the heart, what really matters.

Video: Kangaroo HUGS EVERYONE After Losing Her Family. The Dodo (July 2024).