Singing nourishes children's brains

A recent study on the benefit of singing in the development of preschoolers states that singing nourishes children's brains.

Children should have more opportunities to play singing during the first years of life, since doing so supports their development in the physical, mental and social areas.

Singing is the expression of a healthy child, and although they do not know it, an effective way to reinforce memory and learn new concepts. What they learn by singing is etched on fire, because it motivates them, they have fun. In addition, it helps stimulate your imagination and your artistic sensibility.

According to research conducted by doctors from the University of Münster, Germany, with 500 kindergartens, 88% of children who sang frequently were better prepared for schooling, compared to only 44% of children who they sang less often.

They called singing as “A potent nutrient for children's brains”. It provides advantages for its integral development, especially in the development of speech, social behavior and aggression control.

They have been able to observe that singing implies a greater production of hormones that make them feel good and a decrease in the hormones that trigger aggression.

So you already know, Stimulate in your child his natural ability to sing. Take any time to learn by singing or to improvise a song. Because singing is good for the brain, but also for the soul.