Dads and newborns skin to skin

The figure of the father is no longer what we saw in the films that childbirth lives from afar, in a room far from the parlor and that does not see the baby except from the glass of the "nest" or cradle. However, it is not that parents can participate too much in receiving the newborn, although things are also changing in this regard.

Elda Hospital (Alicante, Spain) offers for the first time to parents the possibility of come into contact skin to skin with their newborn children when mothers cannot do it for having given birth by caesarean section and need a few minutes of recovery (I emphasize, minutes if everything goes well, not endless hours).

The Virgin Health Hospital of Elda has begun this week to offer parents of babies born by mother's scheduled caesarean section the possibility of performing the skin to skin contact, staying for it in the Obstetrics room until the mother returns from Resuscitation between one and two hours later.

There are many benefits of early skin-to-skin contact and thankfully it is becoming increasingly clear that it is important not to separate mother and baby at this time, with some proven immediate and long-term benefits.

And although obviously the benefit of best breastfeeding establishment Do not give in these first moments with the father, the brief postponement of skin-to-skin contact with the mother would not make it difficult. That is, as soon as the mother recovers and goes to the room with the baby, and better as soon as possible, you can put the baby to the skin with skin and start breastfeeding.

Benefits of skin-to-skin paternal contact

The skin-to-skin system, be established with the mother or father, decreases parental anxiety and it offers multiple benefits to the baby because, among many other advantages, it helps regulate its temperature and breathing, decreases infections, increases deep sleep, provides a premature tactile, auditory and movement stimulus, accelerates weight gain and also reduces crying of the small or small, which favors its adaptation to extrauterine life.

However, this practice is limited in parturients undergoing caesarean sections for practical and medical reasons. Therefore, the Hospital has decided that it is the father who performs it, maintaining a direct contact with the child while welcoming him in his bare chest to transmit warmth, protection and affection.

To this end, the center's Breastfeeding commission has developed a protocol that establishes that, once the intervention has been carried out, the midwife accompanies the baby in an incubator or cradle until Obstetrics where, if the paternal and fetal situation allows it, the skin is done with skin until the mother returns to be able to receive it in her lap.

The first family of the Alicante region to benefit from this advance lives in Petrer. The father's name is José Manuel, the mother Miriam and the little Darío.

It is not clear to me, according to the news, if the skin would also be performed with paternal skin in the case of unscheduled caesarean sections, in principle I do not see the reason for not doing so. However, I would not like to end without pointing out that I hope that the cases of C-sections were not so frequent in our environment.

In short, we are glad that the benefits of skin-to-skin contact with dad It is possible for these cases, and we hope that it will be facilitated for the rest of the newborns, and those who begin contact with the father when the mother recovers, skin with skin with the mother, due to its positive effects on breastfeeding and maternal and child knowledge and recognition.

Via and Photo | Daily Information On Babies and more | Good practices in the first hour of life, Ten steps towards happy breastfeeding, The importance of early contact, Benefits of early mother-baby contact

Video: Skin-to-skin Contact After Birth (May 2024).