"Do not separate us": initiative to promote breastfeeding at the Hospital de Torrevieja

We often talk about practices that are carried out in maternity homes and this time the positive point is for the Torrevieja Hospital who has launched the program "Do not separate us", an initiative created to promote breastfeeding.

It is intended that the mother and the baby stay together as long as possible from the moment of birth and for the duration of hospitalization to favor the establishment of breastfeeding.

In view of the results, the initiative is paying off, since they have achieved that 87% of newborns are fed exclusively with breast milk at the time of hospital discharge.

For a successful breastfeeding the early contact of the newborn with his mother is essential, in addition to being one of the basic premises of a respected birth. Immediate and continuous contact is the best start.

Knowing this, "Do not separate us" proposes that mother and child stay together as long as possible during hospitalization, including during procedures and stay in special units such as neonatology.

This unit is open 24 hours a day so that the parents of admitted children can accompany them at all times without interrupting breastfeeding in any case, regardless of the pathology.

These are all measures aimed at making mothers who decide to breastfeed to do so with a higher probability of success. Measures supported by protocols developed on the basis of the WHO and UNICEF document "Protection, Promotion and Support of Natural Breastfeeding".

From here, a great "Like" for the Hospital of Torrevieja, integrated into the public network of the Generalitat Valenciana, for promote the benefits of non-separation.

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).