The Generalitat de Catalunya will eliminate the universality of aid for children aged 0 to 3 years

Something like six months ago the Spanish Government eliminated the help of 2,500 euros for the mothers of every child born in the Spanish state, better known as baby check.

When this aid was eliminated, things were exactly the same as they were before they were established: parents receiving the help that their autonomy gave them. In Catalonia, for example, an aid of 638 euros per year per child between 0 and 3 years has been received to date.

Now, as was logical and many parents smelled us, the Generalitat has decided to eliminate the universality of this aid (It will no longer be for everyone), granting it based on income and other vulnerability criteria.

The measure will take effect in July and will not have retroactive effects, which in my case is good news because it means that this December we will collect the aid again.

As they have explained since Ministry of Social Welfare The measure is part of a general budget reduction of 5.9%. In numbers and focusing on this concept the item to be allocated will go from 192 million euros to 34, which means a reduction of 82%.

The criteria and the minimum income have not been specified, but I don't need to be Sherlock Holmes To know what If I have a third child, they won't help me (not even thanks).

Add and follow. In two or three years, only those families where both parents work and children will work will also have more or less stable, that is, almost no one. Fear makes me see what world holds.

By the way, I want to add that it is anecdotal that a few days ago Artur Mas raised the salaries of 7 positions of trust of territorial delegations by 12,000 euros for each. It is not a lot of money, it is the fact.

Video: Hemos perdido el oremus? (July 2024).