Breast milk is related to greater cognitive development

This is what a study recently published in the journal Pediatrics states: drinking breast milk is related to greater cognitive development.

The study, carried out by a Spanish team, indicates that there was already a lot of data and papers that affirmed the positive relationship between breastfeeding and intellectual development, and have wanted to work in this line analyzing paternal fators and the possible positive effect that fatty acids have polyunsaturated in this better cognitive development that is being demonstrated.

They took a sample of more than 600 pregnant women and followed along the first fourteen months of the child's life, and can affirm that, although there are factors that could depend on the social level of the family, the educational level of the mother and the IQ of the parents, the work has made it clear that children who received breast milk and continued to be breastfed from exclusively scored highest on the tests of the Bayley scale, which measures the intellectual and psychomotor development.

It remains to be determined whether these effects are maintained over time and what would be the result obtained in lactations that last more than two years.

However, one thing seems clear, breast milk has the substances that the baby's brain needs to develop at maximum capacity. One more reason to do everything possible to breastfeed children.

Video: Infant Brains Benefit from Breastfeeding (July 2024).