The birth of the first baby of the year while everyone eats the grapes

When I saw the news on the news about the first babies of 2012 I thought it was a joke. But unfortunately not. I would have liked to share the images with you before, but it was hard for me to find this little video about the birth of the first baby of the year in full year-end bells while everyone eats the grapes.

For those who are not familiar with the Spanish tradition, when they are about to give twelve o'clock at night on New Year's Eve, twelve grapes are taken, one with each bell that gives the clock of the Puerta del Sol, to celebrate the beginning of the new year .

The woman you see in the video in the hospital of Zaragoza Hospital Viamed Montecanal has had the luck (what a luck!) To go into labor at the appointed time and her baby, Daniel, to become the first baby of the year born when he gave the eighth bell. Actually it has been one of the early risers, but not strictly the first, because Diana, born in Barcelona between the first and second bells, has advanced.

We could not see how Diana's birth was, but we could see the staging without any consideration for the mother and the baby that has been the birth of little Daniel.

Where is the role of the baby and the mother in childbirth? The mother and the doctor, the only one who luckily is not eating the grapes (besides the mother that no one has offered), seem part of the props of a comedy. Meanwhile, others eat, laugh and pay no attention to the need for intimacy, containment and tranquility of the woman who gives birth.

The first thing I have thought when watching the video is “What a shame!" and later, "How will that woman feel giving birth in the midst of so much fuss?". Unconsidered, unprotected, ignored ... It is, without a doubt, a lack of respect for women at a momentous moment in their life, and of course, a lack of respect for the birth of the baby.

In addition, it is a delivery with spatulas, that is to say that the birth has been complicated and instrumentation is necessary. Of course, the atmosphere of birth of the first baby of the year while everyone eats the grapes It is not the most favorable for the mother to relax and the birth to flow.

Video: Baby Monkey Doo And Family Eating Green Grapes - Funny Animals (July 2024).