The best gifts for a recent mom

Are you missing any gift for a mom who just gave birth? I propose a few ideas that will be a sure success for recent mothers and that will help them connect with their baby and themselves in these intense moments.

Surely she has already bought everything she thinks she may need, and, although we can give her some clothes for her baby, that goes in addition, since she surely appreciates something special thought for herself.

¿What does a newly born mom need to be happy and calm? The truth is that things, what is said things, few. What you really need is to be enjoying your child, recovering from childbirth, resting and bewildered in your baby, eating well, sleeping as much as possible, taking a breath, not overloading homework and having help with practical household things.

Well, there are going to go our gifts, not gifts, gifts.

Food done

Get cooking with a newborn. Is that about, moms they need delicious, hot and homemade meals, already made, just to have to warm them up and eat them when they have some free time or have them ready for family food.

So one of the best gifts is fill the freezer of homemade dishes already made by ourselves, a voucher for a restaurant of homemade food at home in your town or the personal commitment to go every day with a good pot of stew, stew or stew for at least the first fifteen days.

The clean house and other tasks

Another thing that does a lot, but that a lot is missing, is for someone to visit us and not to take the baby in the middle of his nap or breastfeeding, but to take care of all those household chores that do not I should have to make a recent mom.

So that is my second recommendation, "you are worth" committing to go to your house to wash and iron when you ask us, to go to the market or to vacuum, or, better, to go every day a couple of hours to do laundry and keep the house in order.

Also, if we cannot do it directly, we can find a cleaning lady and pay us for a couple of months, so that the mother does not have to do more than is essential.

It will depend, of course, on each mom, but they all need and they appreciate some practical help. If it is not with the cleaning of the house, it may be good for us to take the older child in the morning, or to take the brothers to the park for a while in the afternoon, or to take a walk or take care of the baby while she showers calmly or drinks coffee with a friend or simply lies down in bed to read for a while knowing that her son is taken care of.

A good massage

Who doesn't like a good one reflex therapy session or a relaxing massage? Well, if you have not been sleeping well for two weeks, you have visitors at home when you do not feel like it or you are facing a situation as new as motherhood, it is much more appreciated. So, even if you already have the gifts for a recent mom, if she gives you the budget, add a voucher for a massage session, sure, sure, thank you.

A photo shoot

When the baby is born we always take many photos, with us and many more with the grandparents, uncles, neighbors and friends who come to visit. But a professional photography session Where we get beautiful despite the tiredness with our precious child will be a very beautiful memory for the future.

It is, surely, another gift that they thank you very much, but in this case it is worth finding out if they have already hired you.

Breastfeeding accessories

Actually, I don't mean any accessory, but rather those things that you may not have thought about and that will make it easier to breastfeed at home and on the street, especially if it is first time and not used: a beautiful breastfeeding shirt to breastfeed anywhere without the gut getting cold and a breastfeeding cushion to rest your back while breastfeeding.

Sleep without tears

The two books that I recommended in the previous topics about the best gifts for a pregnant woman or for a mother about to give birth are worth, of course, also, for which she has just given birth: "A new motherhood" and "Love, eat, suck".

But I want to add in each article a literary recommendation, and I think, before they assault your newly born friend with absurd advice to leave her babies alone while she sleeps, do not sleep in her arms or do not breastfeed on demand the night, better to prevent. My advice is to give him the "Sleep without tears" by Rosa Jové before they induce her to buy a book with methods to "teach sleeping."

I hope these ideas allow you, Three Kings Day, make many recent moms happy with gifts I'm sure they appreciate you showing them that you think about them and what they may need most these days of puerperium.

Video: The BEST Gifts for New Moms (July 2024).