More and more babies are born to single mothers

Data from the Natural Population Movement released by the National Statistics Institute (INE) reveal an upward trend in recent years: more and more babies are born to single mothers in Spain, reaching its maximum level in 2010.

35.5 percent of the 485,252 born in Spain in 2010 (the latest data analyzed) are children of unmarried mothers. Among Spanish companies, it represents 34.4 percent, while among foreigners residing in the country, 39.9 percent.

The particular circumstances that lead a woman to be a single mother can be varied. Some do not choose it but they touch and face it bravely, while others decide to be a mother as a couple without having gone through the civil registry and many others choose to voluntarily assume maternity without a partner.

There is no doubt that family models are changing and that more and more women decide to be mothers alone. Years ago it was a less accepted model, but in recent years it has become more frequent and begins to be understood as a current family option.

Being a single mother is not necessarily synonymous with misfortune, at all, in fact there is research that states that single mothers have better self-esteem than single women without children. Getting a family alone fills them with satisfaction and pride, makes them more positive, in addition to having a greater ability to adapt to the circumstances of life.

Assisted reproduction among single mothers has doubled and even tripled in recent years, with in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination being the methods most chosen by them to achieve pregnancy.

Is a reality: more and more babies are born to single mothers, an option that deserves all the recognition like any other family model.

Video: Single Mom by Choice: An IVF Journey (July 2024).