A pioneer fetal operation saves a girl's life

We love to bring happy ending news like this. Is about a pioneer fetal surgery in the world that has saved a girl's life after being performed at 26 weeks gestation. Today we were able to see the little girl smiling in different media.

Specialists from the Hospital Clínic and Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona have practiced this operation to unclog an obstructed bronchus of the fetus with an endoscopy, an operation that saved the life of little Alaitz (meaning 'joy' in Basque) and Today, with 16 months, "a completely normal life and is happy and happy."

The problem could be detected in time thanks to an ultrasound, which was decisive to save the baby's life. After the operation, the pregnancy had a normal evolution and, at 38 weeks and with 2.5 kilograms, the girl was born.

It is the first time in the world that a fetus of a right bronchial atresia is intervened, a serious obstruction of the bronchi, by means of a tiny endoscope, of 3 millimeters, by the trachea.

The operation, which has been released to the media today, was carried out a year and a half ago, it was short, half an hour long, but very delicate, since it was performed on an 800 gram fetus with extremely tissue fine and a few millimeters from the heart.

The only intervention to which Alaitz had to undergo thirteen days after birth was a surgical operation to remove two of the three lobes of the right lung damaged by bronchial obstruction, although according to specialists this will not affect the quality of Alaitz's life in any way.

As we see, the possibilities of saving the life of certain congenital anomalies by fetal surgery they are increasingly real and frequent, and we are increasingly aware of more advances in this area. We are glad to know that the little girl is well and hopefully this pioneering technique in the world will help other affected babies get ahead.