"Educate, don't hit", guide for fathers and mothers

Luckily, more and more families are aware that respectful upbringing is incompatible with child abuse, but there is still a lot of awareness about it and from Babies and more we often offer resources for education without punishment. "Educate, don't hit" is a guide for raising awareness against physical punishment of children in the family.

It is a guide for mothers and fathers promoted among others by Save the Children and UNICEF and based on the "Parents need love, answers, support, attention, respect, trust, time", as well as The children, of course.

We have already talked about other campaigns in the past, and today we want to approach this one carried out by Save the Children, because although it already has a time, it is still useful and we find a reflection and resources to educate without scourges.

If we look from four decades ago to the present, 24 countries have banned physical punishment, however it is observed that in many countries is still hitting the children, even in spite of the laws. And the data that will not be known about it ... because one of the problems of abuse is its invisibility.

In the US, for example, about 80% of preschoolers continue to receive scourges. In Spain, according to a report on the "Build a Europe for and for children" program, half of the parents beat their children. And in Latin America only three countries prohibit child physical punishment.

And it is that even in places where hitting a child is considered a crime, it is unknown, or it is still difficult to assume this fact, and that is that most of society considers that physical punishment is normal and acceptable.

But the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is being violated, which in its article 19 includes the child's right to physical integrity, and hitting a child is not a way of educating him.

Objectives of the "Educate, don't hit" campaign

All these data make campaigns such as "Educate, don't hit", which despite being published in 1999 has not lost its validity. Its objectives are:

  • Sensitize the population, and particularly parents, professionals and professionals responsible for childcare, about the consequences associated with physical punishment.

  • Promote positive and non-violent forms of education and childcare in the family.

  • Inform children about their rights.

The campaign aims to promote an educational model that contemplates the rules and limits as essential in the education of children, but not physical punishment because the slap does not educate, and also hurts. For this, it offers a series of basic tools, positive alternatives for parents who want to educate without violence.

Hitting a child has serious consequences, both emotional and physical, and cannot be tolerated. Hitting is not a good way to educate, it is a resource that cancels us as protective parents, respectful and responsible people.

Therefore, establishing the prohibition in laws is a first step to eradicate the violence that is often hidden. And the spread of campaigns focused on social awareness regarding child abuse such as "Educate, don't hit" They are still needed worldwide. A highly recommended reading, no doubt.

Official Site | Save the children In Babies and more | Breeding without scourges: resources to prevent, Educate with respect, Correct is not to hit: alternatives to the slap, Verbal abuse is violence, Intervene if we witness a slap