Newborn exams without separating from mom

We are glad to know that more and more hospitals want to join the respected childbirth and the "Child friend" initiative. He Hospital de la Plana de Vila-real in Castellón has implemented new model of Pediatric consultation in which newborns are not separated from their mothers during clinical examination.

Given the importance of non-separation between mother and baby, it is important that contact is favored in the first moments of life. In the hospital it is intended that both nursing reviews and pediatrician examinations be performed in the same room and in the presence of the mother, thereby avoiding unnecessary separations and interference in the mother-child bond.

In the Hospital de la Plana you can also see the photo exhibition on breastfeeding which during this quarter will be shown to the public.

This is another proposal that, together with the previous one, is part of the implementation at the Hospital de la Plana of the Initiative for the Humanization of Birth and Lactation Assistance (IHAN) promoted by UNICEF and in which the Breastfeeding Committee of the Department of Health of La Plana.

During the past year 2011, this hospital in Vila-real registered a percentage of exclusive breastfeeding at discharge of 68% and mixed breastfeeding of 13%. It has also inaugurated the new Espai Lúdic ("recreational space") located in the Pediatrics plant, managed by the volunteers of the Red Cross Youth to offer a fun space for small patients.

This activity is the result of an agreement signed between the NGO and the Hospital de la Plana through which hospitalized children are offered a space in which to perform recreational actions and try to make the stay in the Hospital as similar to their daily life.

We are glad that this hospital is on the right track and hopefully this practice of performing the newborn scans without separating from mother other centers that are less sensitized or aware of this issue are extended.

Video: Newborn examination check after birth (June 2024).