Decalogue for children who care for the environment

World Environment Day has just been celebrated, but the claim of caring for the planet is not a single date. That is why we often bring you ideas so that children feel the need to respect our environment, and today we will see the Decalogue for children who care for the environment.

These are simple gestures that are available to everyone, but if we want them to be maintained over time and become habits in children, we have to start putting them into practice ourselves. Surely many of these tips are already followed, but it is always good to remember ways to take care of the environment as a family.

  • Recycling can be a fun game, let's learn to place each item in the appropriate bucket and then take it to the container. Let's see who learns before the colors of plastics, glass and cardboard!
  • Let's save water, since it is a scarce and necessary asset for life. You have to turn off the tap while we brush our teeth or lather our hands, control the use of the tank, in the shower ...
  • The papers, to the bin (or to the recycling bin). In the street we can't throw any trash, that's what the bins are for. If we see any rubbish, we can tell dad or mom to pick it up if possible, or tell someone to do so.
  • Let's not waste electricity. You have to turn off the lights when we are not in the room, we can buy energy-saving light bulbs, turn off the TV, computer or games at all when we do not use them ... Less spending means less pollution and more resources for the future.

  • Let's share books and school supplies. To do this, you have to be very careful with the material, so that the brothers, other children or ourselves can take advantage of it in the following course.
  • Let's reuse and recycle papers for our drawings, for our crafts we can use material that we have at home, make new toys before buying them, exchange toys, donate old ones for other children who do not have ... Imagination is our ally to reuse much of what We already have no need to buy new things.
  • Let's take care of nature: the plants of the street, the gardens or the countryside must be respected and taken care of, watering the ones we have at home, planting some seeds, knowing the types of flowers and trees we have around ... The walks through the gardens, through the Field, they are a great opportunity to get closer to the flora and fauna.
  • Animals need affection, attention and respect. Both our pets, with which we can play with parents, as other animals: we must not harm them. Animals in danger of extinction, which we can know through drawings, in the zoo ... depend on us and general awareness.
  • Pollution It is produced by smoke, which also affects our health negatively, but also excessive noise or lights in our cities. Our grain of sand with many of the above points will contribute to a less polluted environment.
  • And finally, we must take care and respect the environment, but also the people around us, after all we are all part of this environment. Friends, family, neighbors ... together we can be happier and collaborate with a greener world.

As we can see, these are small gestures that contribute to caring for the environment and, above all, for our children to continue caring for them in the future, understanding the importance of a healthier world and in which there is no lack of natural resources for everyone.

Making us partakers of this Decalogue for children who care for the environment We will stimulate children's love and respect for nature. The key is to reduce consumption, reuse the materials we have and recycle. Is not difficult!

Photos | Ernst Vikne and “passamanerie” on Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | June 5, World Environment Day: ways to celebrate it with your children, Web for children on the responsible use of water, Environmental education begins at home

Video: How to take care of the environment Decalogue 701 (July 2024).