Precautions to take during sports during the summer

Injuries and accidents triple during the summer, being drowning the main danger. When summer arrives in Peques and Más we dedicate several articles to the protection of children from sunburn, drowning and other accidents associated with certain practices during the holidays.

70% of the drowned are under 6 years old. And more than a third of deaths in adolescents from this cause are related to alcohol and drugs.

Swimming pools and outdoor water sports (when safety regulations and the necessary sense are not applied) can be converted into cause of serious accidents. Although it is also true that using a bicycle without a helmet is more frequent than we would all like, let's not forget that when the good weather starts we all want to pedal, but it is preferable to eliminate the risks from the beginning. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics has recently held its 61st Congress, and taking advantage of this event experts have estimated that 95% of accidents and their consequences could be prevented.

Accidents related to the aquatic environment

The Child Injury Safety and Prevention Committee of the aforementioned entity recommends in the pools, especially in the private ones (where three out of four deaths are registered), the correct fencing of the same, a security measure that is not yet widely implemented.

It is also essential to use flotation elements in children and to the extent possible detectors alerting each entry into the water, although none of these measures can replace surveillance by parents or caregivers.

"The increase in risk sports and practice of others with greater momentum have gained popularity among children and adolescents, which causes the increase in child accidents," says Dr. Antonio Jurado, president of the Scientific Committee of the 61st Congress of the AEP. In fact, up to 25% of children and adolescents admitted due to accidents suffer sequelae at the level of the central nervous system: disorders of psychomotor development, neurological problems due to spinal trauma, skeletal muscle, skin or psychological

New sports, especially water sports, are increasing injury statistics. "In Europe about 5,000 citizens suffer injuries while practicing water sports and a high percentage of them are minors."

According to data from the AEP Committee, jet skis have been positioned as the most dangerous boat, capable of raising up to eight times the risk of injuries, mainly head injuries. In this regard, pediatricians emphasize the importance of the life jacket during the practice of these sports, since, according to Dr. Pou (coordinator of the safety and injury prevention committee), “85% of boat deaths recreation could have been avoided with the use of the vest. ”

As for the use of canoes, which has also gained popularity in recent years, pediatricians appeal to the parents' precaution so that children do not get on a kayak alone and teach them to sit safely. The same applies to the practice of diving with a tube, a common practice on the beaches but which presents a greater risk of injuries in the little ones because they are more likely to suffer from lipotimia or ear problems. "To this is added that children lack the maturity necessary to handle emergency situations underwater."

Also in summer the practice of the bicycle increases and with it the risk of injuries and accidents due to the misuse of the helmet, since 80% of children who ride a bicycle do so without any protection. The use of the helmet can avoid up to 88% the risk of head and brain injury and reduce the risk of death by 26%

So in summer it is still important for parents to take extreme safety measures and set an example of prudence and common sense, while allowing children to continue having fun.

Images | Rodrigo Amorim, jermudgeon Source | AEP In Peques and More | Alberto García - director of the Spanish school of Rescue and Lifeguard, Swimming pools with children: benefits and safety tips to enjoy the summer in them, Enjoy the water and avoid the risks, Guide for families

Video: Alabama High School Football Team Taking Precautions in Summer Heat (July 2024).