The 2012 flu vaccination campaign in Madrid has already started

In Madrid the ninth joint campaign against seasonal flu and pneumococcus. The objective is to immunize approximately one million people from Madrid against this disease. The campaign is scheduled until November 30, 2012. The Ministry of Health has invested 4 million euros in the acquisition of more than one million doses of flu vaccine.

Although the vaccination campaign It is aimed primarily at people from 60 years, they are also the groups with the highest risk of complications such as chronic patients (cardiovascular, pulmonary, diabetic and immunosuppressed) and pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy. Groups are also advised to transmit the virus easily to other people, such as health workers, caregivers of chronically ill people or those living with high-risk people.

The Madrid Ministry also advises to prevent and anticipate risks. For example, it is advisable to avoid sudden changes in temperature, crowds in enclosed spaces, take care of personal hygiene, do not share objects with other people who have been in contact with people with the flu. And for the little ones remember, you have to make a balanced diet and drink natural fruit rich in vitamin C.

We remember that flu symptoms are variable and, sometimes, they are difficult to differentiate from other diseases of the respiratory tract such as colds. The incubation period of the flu is one to two days and among the most frequent symptoms is fever over 38 degrees lasting three to four days, severe muscle aches and headache.

The campaign is carried out in 1,000 health centers in the Madrid region that includes the local health centers and offices of the Madrid Health Service, collaborating centers such as hospitals, municipal health centers, nursing homes, child care centers and also the centers for risk personnel or essential services.

Video: Adele - Hello (July 2024).