Dads and moms blogs (CXLIII)

For this first Tuesday of the month, and as we do every week, we will go into cyberspace to see what stories we can find in the moms and dads blogs of the blogosphere. Here we share new perspectives, reflections, experiences, experiences and advice left to us by other parents in the network.

We loved going shopping with the blog A bug at home. The author tells us what it is like to go shopping and not die trying, with a six-month-old baby. Everything is possible, and we know all the adventures along the way (or rather in the mall).

Great discovery the blog Frikerizo parents, where Mrs. and Mr. Packman offer us their views on motherhood and fatherhood. The mother writes an emotional letter to her girl on the occasion of the termination of her maternity leave.

Esther of Raise the flight (Learning as a family) returns after a long season to tell us that his son Sergi already reads, when he has been prepared for it, and tells us all the help they gave him to achieve it.

A milestone also tells us Silvia in her blog Mom corchea: In an emotional post we know that his little Marco turns two years old. How his arrival was a turnaround in his life and everything he has learned thanks to him and with him, in addition to everything that remains to be learned.

And Pilar in Learning to be a mom tells us "A great experience at the beginning exhausting on how I am surviving this great change in my life. A new being is among us and we have to learn to live with him. In this case she, my daughter Lola". Lately he has wondered where his friends are after motherhood.

We finished with two dad blogs and cabbage and nursery stories. Dad of 3 He tells us how the triplets to the nursery have started and the anecdotes that happened to them when it came to finding school. It is not an easy task!

And in The stories of Papa Lobo We find a reflection on tutoring in school and everything that has been found again smallM this new course, friends, their new advances, the issues to improve ... A challenge!

We hope you enjoyed some of our review moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Next week we will be loaded with new stories, and if you have a blog about maternity or paternity, we invite you to leave the blog address in the comments to this post.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).