According to the latest study by the Thao Foundation, excess weight prevails among children of school age

The Thao Foundation yesterday presented its latest report, corresponding to the academic year 2012/2013: excess weight continues to increase Among the little ones.

Among the children who participated in the Thao Program during the last academic year, 20 percent are overweight and obese.

The worst thing is that bad eating habits at the beginning of life mark the history of health, and probably a third of obese children at age five, continue to suffer from it at the end of the school period
The mentioned entity has analyzed a sample of 28819 children between three and 12 years old, and has demonstrated the prevalence of overweight and childhood obesity. The scientific director of the Foundation (Rafael Casas) says that it is very important to continue working on the prevention of obesity and intervention since childhood, so they set the goal of ensuring the incorporation of healthy habits among the little ones.

Data from the cross-sectional study of the 2012-2013 academic year continue to show a worrying situation in regard to obesity and overweight among children in general. More than 1 in 4 children between 3 and 12 years suffer from excess weight, a fact that is specified in an obesity prevalence of 7.2% and 21.3% overweight. Among the children between 3 and 5 years old, the percentages are already worrying, reaching 14.9% overweight and 5.8% in obesity.

Prevalence and obesity prevalence table

What factors contribute to the prevalence of overweight and obesity?

This year, the Thao Foundation has launched a new cross-sectional study of eating habits and physical activity, prepared with the help of an innovative online assessment tool, which has collected data from more than 2,000 children between 8 and 12 years.

As explained by the head of the evaluation and research area of ​​the Thao Foundation, Santi Gómez, “this study shows that 32% of children analyzed do not drink a piece of fruit a day and 41% do not eat vegetables daily" In addition, the study determines that 60% of children do not have a high level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet, one of the healthiest diets and that, in addition, has been geographically and traditionally characteristic of the Spanish state.

Mediterranean diet adherence table

On the other hand, the analysis of the physical activity habits of children also reveals that 36.5% of children do not perform almost any physical activity (0-1 time) during the weekend. Of it, 10% do not do any physical activity.

Food, physical activity ... and the atmosphere during mealtime; That is why a second study on this subject will also be developed. It is observational, and together with the DKV Institute of Healthy Living, it is going to determine how parents influence, the environment and other stimuli when learning to eat. The behavior of children aged three to seven in their family environment will be analyzed, assessing behaviors, relationship models and parent strategies.

The activity of the Thao Foundation

Under the concept of "Think Action Obesity", the Thao Foundation has established itself as a reference in Spain in evaluation and action in the promotion of children's health. It has the largest sample of school-age children in the entire country, to which it is measured periodically and with which a plan of continuous actions of municipal scope is carried out to favor and reinforce healthy habits.

In addition, the age range of schoolchildren participating in the thematic season has been extended for include children from 0 to 3 years old, developing specific actions and materials to accompany fathers, mothers and educators in the process of acquiring healthy habits. The "traveling thaoines" are an example of these actions designed so that the little ones can develop them within the family and nurseries.

Another notable initiative is the one undertaken with the Thao Small Childhood Workshops, aimed at fathers, mothers and young children professionals with the aim of addressing difficulties when introducing new foods, taking into account food neophobia, innate processes of energy self-regulation, play and children's physical activity, as well as the emotional bond.

Obesity remains one of the biggest challenges that public health is currently facing and the high prevalence in young children is especially worrying

Finally mention that I have found quite striking, the sponsorship of different companies (of chocolates / cereals or soft drinks) that support the Thao program. I mean, I don't doubt the good intentions they may have regarding the promotion of healthy eating in children, but the truth is that there are no groups of farmers to ask for funding for these actions?

Video: Bad Science: Breast Milk and Formula (July 2024).