Healthy eating during pregnancy: ten things you should know

The nutrition of the pregnant woman is key to the good development of the baby. It is a period in which the mother's way of feeding affects not only her health, but also that of the baby that is being born, therefore there is at least 10 things you should know to lead a healthy diet during pregnancy.

Maintaining a varied, complete and balanced diet is essential for a healthy pregnancy, always accompanied by the practice of exercise. Control weight gain, choose the right nutrients and foods, as well as how to cook them are some of the tips you should keep in mind.

1) Make several meals a day

Digestion in pregnancy is slower, which gives a feeling of heaviness. Therefore, to avoid it, instead of making copious meals, the most recommended is eat several times a day a small amount. It is also a good way to combat nausea in the first months.

Snacking for hours is not counterproductive for weight control if healthy snacks such as nuts, crudities, toasts and pieces of fruit are chosen.

2) Fish yes, but with caution

Fish is an excellent food for pregnant women because it is an important source of omega 3 and omega 6, but the amount of certain species must be limited.

Large fish such as bluefin tuna and emperor have high concentrations of mercury, whose cumulative toxic effect is related to neurological and brain damage in the baby.

The small fish that do not accumulate mercury can be consumed safely about three times on the weekly menu. These are, for example: bluefin tuna, salmon, hake, sole, sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovy or bocarte, mullet, eel, horse mackerel or common rind, verdel, dove, sea trout, dogfish ...

During pregnancy, the consumption of raw fish such as sushi or sashimi is not recommended.

3) Take care of food safety

Just as it is recommended to limit the intake of certain fish due to the cumulative risk of mercury, there are other foods with which maximum caution should be taken.

The ham is associated with the risk of toxoplasmosis, although recent studies assure that a well cured and good origin ham has minimal risk, but let's see who dares.

Be advise against eating raw meat, as well as eggs that are not well set or unpasteurized cheeses. Likewise, we must also be cautious of possible contaminants, food from GM crops.

Wash the kitchen utensils very well after using them, as well as fruits and vegetables to remove dirt and pesticides.

4) Stay hydrated

The physiological changes that women experience during pregnancy make it necessary to increase the daily intake of water. Experts recommend consuming some two liters of water a day.

Water, either direct or from food, is beneficial to prevent some of the typical discomforts of pregnancy such as constipation, headache, and contrary to what you might think, it helps prevent edema, a swelling caused by excess fluid in the tissues.

It also helps prevent urinary infections, one of the leading causes of premature delivery, and helps maintain adequate levels of amniotic fluid, which is constantly being renewed.

5) Zero alcohol

There is no moderate amount of alcochol that can be considered safe in pregnancy. It is still recommended to avoid it, as it is impossible to know what the safe level of consumption is. The effects that drinking the same amount of alcohol can have varies from one woman to another, depending on the stage of pregnancy, her own physiology and alcohol tolerance.

Alcohol passes through the placenta and passes the fetus whose tissues and organs are forming and can affect its development. It is the second cause of mental disorder, so better keep it away.

6) Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

In pregnancy, there is a greater need for nutrients and vitamins, therefore fruits, vegetables and vegetables They are the most suitable foods to cover it, while providing fiber, liquids and helping to prevent discomfort.

Fruits and vegetables constitute the second step of the food pyramid and a daily consumption of at least five pieces a day. At the same time, you have to balance the diet with food from all groups.

7) Includes foods from all groups in the diet

The important thing is to have a balanced diet where they are not lacking food of all groups.

The fruits, vegetables and vegetables must be added legumes, cereals and their derivatives (bread, rice, pasta), preferably whole grains, dairy products, which provide calcium, lean meats, fish, eggs and nuts and at the tip of the pyramid, only occasionally, sweet and fatty.

From the second half of pregnancy, energy needs will increase between 250 and 300 extra calories per day.

8) How to cook food

The healthiest way to prepare food is grilled, especially meats and vegetables because they retain their nutritional values ​​without the need for added oils. Fish and vegetables are also going very well steamed.

If you choose boil food, introduce them when the water is very hot and in large pieces to reduce the loss of vitamins and nutrients.

When cooking in the oven, the amount of oil and fat added to the food must be controlled. The fritters should be restricted to once a week and always in olive oil. Al wok is also an interesting way to cook food, especially vegetables, vegetables, meats and chicken. They are crispy and very tasty.

9) Seasonings in the pregnant woman's diet

Avoid adding too much salt to the foods at the time of cooking them, already of many foods, when packaging them, salt is added to them.

He olive oil It is undoubtedly the best seasoning, as it contains antioxidants and oleic acid and is also rich in essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, with proven benefits during pregnancy.

Instead of vinegar, choose the lemon To spice up salads, vitamin C helps the absorption of iron from food.

Likewise, avoid spicy foods too much, especially spicy to prevent heartburn and stomach upset, as well as hemorrhoids.

10) Control your weight

While pregnancy is not an appropriate stage to do regimen, it is important to control weight gain to avoid complications, both for the sake of our health and that of the baby.

The ideal weight gain during pregnancy round between 9 and 12 kilos, Although it depends on each specific case, the gynecologist will assess whether a lower or greater weight gain is justified or does not involve risks.

Photos | Photos by Lina and Janet Beasley = JLB Creativesen Flickr
In Babies and more | Ten tips for healthy eating in pregnancy, Decalogue of recommendations for good nutrition in pregnancy

Video: Nutrition Tips: Pregnancy and Nutrition (July 2024).