Admirable! A committed father who feeds his baby with a mother's milk supplement

I found this picture beautiful and I wanted to share it with you, because it shows that it is not the same to have children than to be a father. Is admirable the case of this committed father who feeds his baby with mother's milk through a supplemental Homemade

I have not been able to know why, but for some reason, or because the child rejects the breast, the mother cannot breastfeed the newborn and it is the father who has decided to use this technique to feed him.

Judging by the size, it seems to be a premature baby, and they have chosen to discard the use of the bottle in such a small baby to avoid nipple-nipple confusion syndrome, for fear that when the mother can, the child does not want to take the nipple for getting used to the bottle nipple.

While it is an extraordinary fact that man can produce human milk, and the amount may be small depending on the levels of prolactin that it secretes, if the mother is able to produce milk, the ideal is that the baby is fed with her milk .

The supplementer is a good way for the baby to get its own suction mechanism. If you wonder how to make a relator or a supplement is not difficult. A small glass and a finite nasogastric tube are needed, used for newborns.

The father inserts the finger into the baby's mouth so that he gets used to opening the mouth to receive the food, a technique that is also used with the syringe-finger method, which is very similar to the one we see here and consists of placing the milk in the syringe and squeezing the plunger make the milk flow through the finger to the baby's mouth.

The truth is that the image of this father engaged in such a way in caring for his baby, I was deeply moved. It should be normal, and it seems to me admirable.