My Christmas tips: Guns and cannons

We are already thinking about Christmas gifts and one of the most common is war toys, which not all parents want to enter their home. Thinking of them and in the guns and cannons is this second of my christmas tips, to help them face criticism and act if their opinions are not respected.

For those dads and moms who They don't want their children to receive war toys this Christmas and for those who want to give them think what parents think, here are some more tips.

I don't want guns or cannons

Myself, when my son was little, He didn't want to be given guns or guns. What I had to listen would give to write a book and not a post, but surely you all understand that criticism, for acting against what most do, will fall for sure. We are not going to enter now to analyze whether it is good or not for a child to play with guns, but how to take a situation on these toys if you do not like them.

I will not go into assessing or judging the decision of each family because I am sure that all parents have the right to choose the education their children receive whenever they encourage values ​​of tolerance, respect and equality.


When we are respectful of others, it is difficult to explain a position without another feeling attacked and, in matters of parenting, it is almost inevitable that the listener thinks we judge him. Therefore, when we explain that we don't want guns or cannons For a young child, if he gives them, he will tend to feel that we think he does it wrong if he gives them to his people.

Set limits on who judges you

My advice is this: don't give many explanations moral, psychological or educational about your decision. The explanations are a trap and rarely will anyone who really asks will want to understand us. I know it is difficult not to explain, but surely you can perceive if the listener asks us for refutation or understanding.

The former do not need or deserve them. It's like everything: the tit, the dream, the punishment, the food ... are issues in which no one should put their noses without being invited and the way in which you educate in Peace is something that does not belong to anyone.

Let us apply to this the same purpose that I encouraged you to apply in the subject of blackmail: set limits assertively and leaving, the sooner it is clear that parents are going to make decisions and that only when we ask for an opinion is that we want to hear it.

Most adults have not received an adequate education and do not know how to respect each other. I do not assure you that you are not going to have to argue, but my experience says that more than explanations who questions you will need limits. In my Christmas tips This is going to be a repeated reason since Christmas, with its family reunions component, is precisely a very favorable time for this type of conflict.

Self appraisal

I can't really say that children who play with guns are going to be more violent in the long run, since aggressiveness and the step to violence depend on many factors, but it still seems to me that those games should not be encouraged, but not avoided either.

Most children will play battles sooner or later, but being aware of death and what a weapon does should be prior to the delivery of a toy that represents those acts. There is no age at which to leave the norms, everything will depend on our being able to observe the evolution of our children and their performance in other areas. Be able to self-evaluate your positions and analyze your son.

Make a list of gifts and avoid problems

If our position is clear and we will not allow the child to receive a gift that we consider inappropriate, my advice is not leave the decision of the moment in the child nor make him have a bad drink for rejecting a gift they have received or hide it later.

When the child receives a gift that you consider inappropriate, there will be a tense moment, but if there is, it should not be the child who suffers. You have to talk with the person in private, not before the child, especially if we talk about a family member with whom love joins them. Nor should we criticize him behind his back, although it might be necessary to explain to the child the reasons for our rejection of the toy, the toy, not the person.

But if the child receives the toy, I will not advise you to snatch it without more when you get home. Even if I remove you from the inside it is better to distract him and not remove him from his sight immediately. The truth is that I have been through these situations with more or less success, getting bigheaded many times and, over the years, learning to not discuss two if one does not want to.

Be smarter and avoid open conflict and child disgust: send a letter with a specific request to family members so they know they have to give him away. You are going to avoid many discussions and, above all, to whom it matters most, your son, a difficult and unnecessary moment.

Tomorrow I continue with my christmas tips of little Christmas mom. I will try to help you cope with them the most common conflicts in a time of the year so beautiful with full of tensions. You will tell me if they will serve you.

Video: Top 5 Christmas Gift Ideas the ULTIMATE Gifts! (May 2024).