My Christmas tips: Chef Chicote and the "machotes"

I will continue with my christmas tips For awkward situations. And this time I am going to give you some ideas to face the sexist and homophobic comments that you and your children will have to endure as they think of asking the Kings for a kitchenette, and I title it: Chef Chicote and the "machotes".

Not if you have seen the Spanish version of Nightmare in the Kitchen. It is a program that I love and the choice of the strong and direct chef Chicote has seemed very successful. I had a great time watching it launch a restaurant in my town, Pinto, called "La Tana".

But, let's get to the point: is it that those who mess with children who play kitchens think that these men cooks are less men than those who do not know how to fry even an egg?

The answer is clear, of course, if you know how to cook, like or dedicate yourself to it, it does not influence your masculinity or your sexual orientation (which are different things). So, if we see it so clearly, where do they get those stupid ideas that children can't play kitchens without taking serious risks?

If you have been touched by sexist relatives or homophobes, you will surely not be surprised if they criticize games that they do not consider as male. If you are lucky enough not to suffer them, do not believe that you are safe, children do not respect them too much and any impertinent can release a phrase of bad taste.

So if your child plays in kitchens, shops or with baby dolls, go preparing the answers and defending the child, so that the brains and old-fashioned languages ​​do not harm him. And avoid, in passing, stereotypes.

I would like to give you some strategies that will work and make retrograde mentalities and rude adults change their way of thinking and acting. But there are no quick formulas to educate who was not properly educated. What there are are strategies to silence them.

Strategy: ingenious responses and reasoning

Ingenious answers and reasoning You can help us avoid getting in with our child if you have ordered a kitchenette, a cart to walk your baby or an iron (although it does not occur to me that someone may like ironing there are tastes for everything).

Of course, the strong chef Chicote or the other television cooks are a good example to bring to the conversation and, with a little skill, refer it to their programs or dishes. Of course, it is clear that these gentlemen are great professionals.

Then, of course, there is pure logic. Men need to know how to prepare food if they do not want to depend on bars or wives, in fact, not knowing how to prepare your own food is a huge educational lack. Come on, if a lady has to come to prepare dinner for you, you are not an autonomous person. And you want your son to be. In addition, your child will grow up, be an adult and possibly a father, he needs to train himself to do it well. Do not limit your game or your future.

Beware of sexists and homophobes

In the end, this kind of comment can help us detect, if we had not done so, sexists and homophobes from our near surroundings and learn to deal with them. But, in addition, if the "house" is a woman's thing, do they mean that it is what you have to take care of if a female is born and the man to watch and send from the sofa? Ask the funny comment, to see what he responds to.

In addition, surely a male sitting at the table is a good cook, even those who know how to do more than paella and chops on the barbecue. Set an example, and better if it is beefy and hoarse. Let the heavy man who calls your child "tell your son to his face."

Regarding the kitchen spreading homosexuality, it is such a stupidity that it doesn't deserve much explanation. Yes, I would have very careful to let people who consider homosexuality to be something "bad" They had a lot of contact with my children. And we can take the opportunity to educate our children to accept and understand the sexual orientation of others and their own.

I do not know if homophobia is spread, but of course it is unpleasant. I would ask myself if it is convenient for my children to have a lot of treatment with people who express derogatory comments about others because of their sexual orientation. This is another one of my christmas tips: eye with whom you share the table; The family is sometimes toxic.

And always, always, defend your son

But in reality all these answers are more for your own show and to try to reason that family or neighbor not very polite who has mocked your son. If you want, you can use them. But the same goes for anyone who insults or makes fun of your child, immediately and if he has not apologized, in his place. And with forcefulness. Always always, we must defend our children.

Me Christmas advice fundamental: don't let anyone transmit sexist or homophobic stereotypes Do not insult your children or make fun of them. Neither on Christmas Eve, nor on Christmas, nor on New Year's Eve, nor on New Year's Eve, nor your parents, father-in-law, cousins, brothers or brothers-in-law. If they want your children and you, if they respect you, they should not hurt and much less repeat it if you warn them that it bothers you.

I leave you a few mantras for the occasion: Boys can play kitchens just like girls. Cooking is not a women's thing. Homosexuality is not spread by the stove. Being gay is as perfect as being straight, what matters to us is that our children are free and happy.

I end up adding to our reader Stefan Cambiasso the photo with which he illustrated the article. It's her son's kitchen, and the mother made it with recycled materials. Me Christmas adviceIn the last case, if they don't respect you, you know which one it is.

In house it is very good, that the kitchen is for everyone, to Chef Chicote, the machotes, heteros, homosexuals, women and men.

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