Incredible images that show what the new 3D ultrasound will look like

3D ultrasound and 4D calls (they were 3D moving) have been with us for a few years now and they arrived to help in the prenatal diagnosis and to obtain an image of the baby to offer to the parents and especially to those who in the ultrasound in Black and white of all life saw only indescribable forms.

As expected, as technology advances that peels, 3D ultrasound will now be more realistic, more precise, more detailed and consequently more useful for medicine and at the same time more motivating for parents. As we show you a few images of what can be seen with the new ultrasound scanners.

Everything is thanks to more powerful devices and new software that add color, texture, lights and shadows to the images, providing ultrasound with a realism that had never been achieved before.

Just look at the image that heads this post, with two twins, one in each "bed", and those that come next, to get an idea of ​​what a couple expecting a baby can expect to see just by supporting the ultrasound in his belly

What do you think? Would you do it to meet your future baby?

Video: Incredible 3D & 4D Scan of what unborn babies do in the womb (July 2024).