Video: differences between a malnourished child and another fed with breast milk

As we know, international organizations such as WHO, UNICEF or pediatric associations promote child nutrition through breastfeeding because it is the best food for the baby, ensuring the newborn the exact amount of fat, sugars, water and proteins and providing all the nutrients it needs, contributing to its healthy growth and development.

This animated video of UNICEF Ecuador aims to promote breastfeeding pointing out the differences that occur between an undernourished child and another who received breast milk. He introduces us to Leo, a six-year-old boy with various shortcomings who was poorly fed from birth.

In Ecuador, about 25% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, with all the problems that this entails for their growth and their physical and emotional health. The video points out that the good news is that solving it is easy:

It all starts the day your baby is born. And it costs nothing. It is his first food. The only one to receive until six months and the most important until he turns two. It is also your first act of love as a mother. Do you already know what it is? It is breast milk!

And is that breast milk is the most complete and healthiest food for babies because its nutritional characteristics decrease the incidence of diarrhea, allergies and other infectious diseases.

In addition, the video reminds us that breastfeeding is also beneficial for the motherIt reduces the risk of obesity in it, reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, as well as osteoporosis, leukemia, diabetes and helps lose weight gained during pregnancy.

In Ecuador, only four out of ten children receive exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life, figures that are repeated in many other countries. Thus It is important to promote breastfeeding, as this animated video does Today we want to share with everyone.

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | Why breastfeeding is recommended up to two years or more, Benefits of breast milk at each stage

Video: IS BREASTFEEDING KOSHER??! What the Bible Says About Nursing! (July 2024).