Should we correct when our children speak badly?

One of the questions that parents most ask in speech therapy consultations when they come to is: Should we correct when our children speak badly?. The answer I usually give you is another question: do you like to be corrected at work?

I know that it may not be what they expect to hear first, but I think that the best way to better understand your child's problem and therefore, the best way to address it, is to understand how they feel in a similar situation. in your day to day.

However, and after this first question I ask you, there are different issues that must be kept in mind when faced with a difficulty in the language or speech of our child, since its correct evolution depends on good practice and how we address the child .

Everyone knows that, not only in the field of language, communication or speech, correcting children is something that can be really difficult if you do not have the patience and the necessary tools, in some cases reaching Be a true "hell."

These are the moments when we lose the papers and we get to say things that we later regret so much and so much that can generate negative situations and relationships between parents and children. Then, you will ask how can i help my child, what can we do as parents, what things can we do.

The most important thing to know is that, if instead of saying and / or doing negative things that make you feel bad we do the opposite, that is, we highlight your strengths where they stand out, we will get much more. It's amazing what a simple word change can do.

For example, the phrase is always wrong with a child "I want the keloka" We emphasize more what he says that how he says it, we will be able to generate in the child a sense of security that will not prevent him, later, to try harder (with the guidelines of the specialist, of course) in getting to say correctly "I want the ball".

We must not forget, under any circumstances, that for children we are their role modelsTherefore, it is very important to measure our actions and words, not only so that they do not reproduce them in the future, but so that they do not think negative things about us towards them.

Has it ever helped to shout at them to get something? Well, exactly the same happens in language. If a child cannot say a phrase or sound correctly, it is not because he wants to, but because there is something that prevents him from doing so. Getting angry with him will do nothing but make us all more nervous ...

If we want to use rewards and punishments we should not do it lightly, because we have already been able to see before, and thanks to the psychologist Teresa García, who "These have very strict rules".

Our children, by nature, seek in us all the love and appreciation we can give them. Therefore, The more confident they feel, the better they will respond to our requests. This, added to the fact that the children in the house learn by repeating behaviors they see at home, makes it very important to have a very good and positive attitude to avoid being afraid to speak.

Type threats "you can't do anything alone", "how awkward you are" they will only generate, as we have said, negative thoughts towards it; it is crucial to create a cause-effect relationship that will encourage you to learn things and think before acting.

It is also important to pay attention to the other extreme, that is, to

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