Sunscreen creams inhibit the absorption of Vitamin D: help your children get it to their advantage

When talking about the food that improves the tolerance of the skin to the sun, we anticipated that we would expand the whole issue related to our star king, its benefits (and inconveniences) for the skin, and the types of sunscreen we can find.

Well then we go today with Vitamin D, which as we know serves to strengthen bones, since its goal is to improve calcium absorption. Moderate sun exposure is great for getting it.

In theory, daily sun exposure for 15 minutes in arms, legs or back, they serve to produce this important vitamin, and with them we do not risk burning our skin. But of course, a priori we think that the ideal situation would be one in which we allow ourselves to receive the sun outside the central areas of the day, when it is more dangerous; and yet, in that time slot is when you receive more vitamin D.

However, Do sunscreens interfere with the absorption of this vitamin?This is a logical question since in summer it is when we receive all the warnings about the health of the skin, and the prevention of diseases related to prolonged sun exposure. Scientists are warning of a curious paradox: we worry so much about not burning with the sun (well, there are those who don't even think about it, but those of us who have children are quite conscious), that we forget to receive the precious vitamin which (as we will see later) not only has specific functions on the skeletal system.

Some say that a sunscreen with an index higher than 8, already inhibits the absorption of the vitamin, and even who says that the prejudice of avoiding the sun is worse than the benefit of always being covered with our sunscreen creams.

What do we know about vitamin D?

Well, I'm afraid that very little, really, and the proof is that some researchers detect that a good part of the world's population is at risk of suffering from deficiency. And what do you want me to say: I think it would be justified that in Iceland (to give an example from - almost - ignorance) they are in that situation, but in our country?

This vitamin combines several functions (and all beneficial) in our body: decreases the symptoms of colds and flu, and asthma attacks. It turns out to be also a good natural antidepressant (It is no coincidence that people who are forced to spend many hours in dark environments are sad), and it is essential for the proper functioning of the Nervous System.

But the deployment of benefits that it gives us does not end here: it acts on the immune system, the hormonal one, and can serve to prevent cancer. It also reduces hypertension.

Get more vitamin D for your body!

This is possible especially through exposure to the sun, of the supplements I do not speak, because I think it is a topic to discuss with the family doctor or pediatrician.

In No Fun by Eva Caballe, we find a detailed guide to get the juice out of the sun for more vitamin D:

  • Skin color: white skin needs less radiation and vice versa. This partly explains the color of the skin in different races, determined by latitude. Closer to the equator, more radiation, more melanin.

  • He angle of sunlight. If the shadow we cast is longer than we are, we are not receiving a sufficient amount of light to be able to produce vitamin D. The central hours of the day, when the sun is higher and between March and September would be the most appropriate time.

  • The amount of skin exposed. At least 40% of the skin should be exposed for optimal production of vitamin D. The most active area is the trunk, followed by legs and arms. The least productive are the face and hands.

  • Age: Children and the elderly are the ones that produce less vitamin D.

  • Altitude: The height facilitates exposure to UVA radiation, since less UVA radiation has been filtered than in the light we receive at sea level.

  • Cloudiness and pollution: Clouds and pollution return part of the solar radiation to space.

  • Sunscreen. If we use a sunscreen we don't receive the right amount of UVA radiation to be able to produce vitamin D.

  • The light must be direct, if it passes through windows it will not allow us to produce vitamin D, since the crystal rejects UVA radiation.

Do we have to choose between vitamin D or white skin?

I think it would be good if we looked for balance, for the health of our own. We live in a society of contrasts, even for health: we move from living indoors (there are many children who go to school during the course at 8 in the morning, and leave at six in the afternoon), to toast about the beach sand.

After analyzing the information, I conclude that a walk in the sun to receive the light that gives us the beneficial vitamin DIt is very beneficial. But letting children be hours and hours without protection can be dangerous.

Every family should think of how to solve this dilemmaFor example, it occurs to me that in the case of a stay of several days in the beach apartment, we can take a walk in the morning to go shopping and look for shells (without creams, but yes, with a cap ); and after eating, we can prepare the snack and move along the shore, this time protected with sunscreen.

Images | Nicole O'Neil Photography, Moyan Brenn, Jan de Graaf On Peques and More | Children and adolescents are very vulnerable groups to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, The importance of vitamins in the development of children

Video: Sunscreen Science (May 2024).