Primark has made nursing mothers (and much) angry

Where there is a pissed off mother who takes everyone out of the way. Unfortunately, it is not the first time that you discriminate in a public place for breastfeeding a baby, but this time Primark has made nursing mothers (and much) angry.

Maybe a few years ago the anger did not transcend so much, but every time the reaction happens it is more sounded. Mothers are day to day more aware of the importance of uniting to report injustices, and social networks have come as a ring to the finger as a means to carry it out.

The facts

The eruption of the volcano began on August 12 when the affected mother, @KrmenssitaVega, tweeted that they had kicked her out of Valladolid's Primark for breastfeeding her son telling him that he could bother other customers and claiming that it was the "company policy".

As an echo, the case of another mother cast from the Primark of Murcia in February of last year, who had also reported it online.

From there, it was learned that they were not isolated cases and met other similar cases occurred in other stores in the Irish store, in Jerez and Asturias.

In recent days, Facebook and Twitter messages have fueled the fire of injustice. They have been flooded with messages of repudiation to Primark and to places where mothers who breastfeed in public are discriminated against and support for mothers who have suffered discrimination.

Of course, from Babies and more we join those mothers to denounce what seems totally unacceptable to us: that a mother be thrown out of a place because she is doing the most natural and normal thing there is, breastfeeding a child. The problem is who can feel offended, not the mother who only meets the need for food for her child, much less the child, who does not know or have to wait to be fed.

Primark shut up

The most curious thing is that Primark has chosen to follow the ostrich strategy Instead of listening to your customers. He has been silent so much the first time a similar event was known as now.

The power of social networks is overwhelming. It's amazing how they get people together, especially when there is a strong reason.

Networks are also a very powerful medium for companies. Through them they can know first-hand the feedback of their customers, but they are misused when they only serve to advertise promotions and show catalogs, instead of attending to the needs of customers, responding to them, and apologizing if necessary.

Massive tit on August 23

Mothers do not stand still or hide their heads. In the face of discrimination they have decided to make noise and They have organized a massive tetada on August 23 at 6:00 p.m. at the door of several Primark stores in Spain: Valladolid, Murcia, Valencia, Zaragoza, Alicante, Elche, Gran Canaria, Cornellà de Llobregat, Seville, Madrid, Torrevieja, Oviedo. (here you can check the places of the tetadas)

If you want to support these mothers, follow the news and know how they are organizing you can do it through Twitter at @tetadaprimark, in the Tetada Primark blog and on Facebook.

You see nursing mothers have a special power. Primark has made them angry (and much) and they have been able to react and organize to defend what should not happen, neither in Primark nor in any other public place.

Video: Primark Breastfeeding Row. Loose Women (May 2024).