Hiking with kids: route from Puerto de Navacerrada to the Bola del Mundo

This summer with the little girl who is ten years old and two friends of the summer, eleven years old each, we have encouraged Climb the Ball of the World from the Port of Navacerrada. It is a hiking activity, recommended to do with kids and with a moderate degree of difficulty. It travels about six kilometers, round trip and ascends from 1,836 meters of the Port of Navacerrada to 2,257 meters in which the Ball of the World is located.

Our excursion It started at 10:30 a.m. and ended at 2:30 p.m. that is, in four hours it can be done and having stopped a couple of times to eat. We made the first section off the road that goes up to the Ball of the World and from which you can see spectacular views. Although the longest stop was made at the top where we returned to eat and drink and regain strength although the children, who do not seem to rest, were still encouraged to play hide and seek.

We started walking from the parking lot of Puerto de Navacerrada. We have not seen many people during the walk although some family with children do cross. Yes we saw several cyclists who take advantage of the paved road to climb to the Ball of the World.

He weather has been spectacular, without clouds, with a temperature below 30 degrees and well equipped with caps and creams to protect us from the sun.

The road is very well signposted and also has additional escapes and stops to make the trip more enjoyable while enjoying stunning views. Although to children what they got them in the head was to reach the top and it seems that they cheered each other up to get it.

What we most missing was supplies because although we did not go hungry if we were left wanting to have some more fruit besides the sandwiches and cookies we were carrying. By water we were well stocked although in the end we came down without reservations and we didn't see any fountain along the way.

The rise was much harder than descent, especially because of the challenge involved and the uncertainty of reaching the end. The descent was made by the paved road and we did it at a good pace in addition to great emotion, and the children enjoyed the excursion and especially they were very happy and animated with their triumph.

To see more details and information of the route followed I leave a link of a page that I found on the Internet and that In addition to reaching the World Ball, it is encouraged to reach the Malicious. Its page is full of hiking content and specifically the details of the route we have made have helped us to make the way.

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Video: Basics of Hiking with Kids (May 2024).