Week 25 of pregnancy: you already have eyelashes and open and close your eyes

We arrived at the 25th week of pregnancy in our review of pregnancy week by week. Your baby has more and more strength and you can already notice her little kicks clearly.

On ultrasound you can see him laugh, yawn and suck his finger. You can still move freely and you will not have adopted the final position in the uterus.

Changes in the baby in the 24th week of pregnancy

This week the baby is already 34cm in total, about 22 cm from the head to the ass, and weighs between 700 and 800 grams. His hair begins to be defined and has a certain color and texture, although these may still change when he is born.

Although your eye color is not fully defined, since it needs light for the pigments to finish forming, your baby already has eyelashes and can open and close the eyes. His ear continues to develop rapidly and he can perceive sounds from outside as well as those he produces when moving in your uterus.

This week, the blood vessels in your lungs begin to develop and your bones will begin to ossify and become harder. Your heart beats very fast between 120 and 160 beats per minute.

Changes in the mother in the 25th week of pregnancy

You may now notice that you have more hair and that it is soft and shiny. Thanks to pregnancy hormones you will fall less and you may have it smoother or curly than usual.

However, you may also notice that you have more hair in other parts of the body where it is not as welcome as the chin, gut or breasts. Do not worry, androgens are responsible for these changes that will disappear when your baby is born.

As your uterus continues to grow, back and pelvis pains may intensify. Staying active and exercising properly for your condition can help you alleviate these discomforts.

You may also begin to notice some difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. This is due to the increased oxygen consumption of your body during pregnancy and the pressure on the diaphragm increases as the gut grows.

In addition, due to the pressure that your uterus begins to exert on your stomach, you may begin to suffer from reflux or heartburn that, although not serious, can be quite uncomfortable. You may also have more gas and flatulence, other common discomforts in this phase of pregnancy. Try to avoid carbonated drinks.

As your gut grows, your center of gravity is changing which makes you more likely to stumble and fall so you must walk more carefully and wear comfortable shoes.

Diagnostic tests at week 24 of pregnancy

As we indicated last week in these weeks you should closely monitor your anemia and perform the O'Sullivan Test to rule out that you have gestational diabetes. If the results of this test are outside the normal ranges they will make you another more detailed test, the long glucose curve, to confirm the diagnosis.

Although each pregnant woman and each baby are a world these are the main changes that occur in the mother and the baby during 25th week of pregnancy. Do not stop following your pregnancy week by week.

Next week: week 26 of pregnancy

Video: 24 Weeks Pregnant. What To Expect (July 2024).