An English children's education book that costs 60 euros, isn't it an abuse?

A few days ago papaLobo asked us if textbooks should not belong to the school, in order to save families having to buy a lot of books every year at quite high prices.

I have not dedicated myself to see how much all the children's books cost, but I was surprised a few days ago by a mom's comment on Facebook, outraged at having to spend almost 60 euros (€ 59.90 to be more exact) in a children's education English book. That is why I am asking, Isn't this an abuse?

Sixty euros per course and book

The book in question is Macmillan Early Learning Path-3, which you can get for the price mentioned. Seeing that "3" I inquired a little more, because of course, before 3 comes 2 and 1. Bingo !, I found the two previous books and, surprisingly, or perhaps not so much, they have the same price. If you are interested, you can buy them here.

The English of our children

Yes, that the level of English of our children in Spain is unfortunate, almost as much as the level of the generation that precedes them, and the facts I refer, with some politicians who cannot leave Spain because they leave us all in evidence , being the one make me laugh, not only inside the country, but also outside. Come on, that the "Spain brand" can not be more damaged lately, precisely by those who try to make it stronger. I repeat: yes, I know, that children have to learn English, but now later, but they have to learn it, not even by culture.

Now, is it really necessary to spend 60 euros on a book to learn it? What kind of ultra-new methodology do they use in Macmillan to consider that a book has to cost so much money? Is it a volume of more than 3,000 pages? If so, how much does the backpack cost that children should buy to carry it?

Let's see how they learned in the past

When I see things like that I always wonder how the hell did children learn in the past, when there were no books for each. Either they were inept who did not learn anything or current teaching methods make them inept, because I am sure that a child can learn a thousand things in a course without having to touch a single book.

In fact, they can even learn English without doing so. You bring them to a teacher who knows English, native to be able, to speak to them in English all the time and to dedicate themselves to playing games with the children only in English, being the language a vehicle for the game and not an end, and little by little they will learn, probably more than filling a book that should be bound with gold thread.

Anyway, everyone who draws their own conclusions.