"What is happening to me?". The book that answers all those embarrassing questions asked by pre-adolescent children

Peter Mayle is a psychologist and psychoanalyst, as well as a prolific writer and journalist; in Peques and more we already knew "Where did we come from?", a classic from the 70s, recently reissued, that puts words to all those parents who want answer the questions children ask about human conception, and do not know where to start.

Now we have had the opportunity to read "What is happening to me?", Which - along the same lines as the previous one - takes another step, and gives us clues to understand how pre-adolescent children feel they see their bodies change, and hundreds of questions are asked about themselves and others. 'What is happening to me?', Has the same clear and close language as the other book, and although it does not hide anything, it reaches the boys and girls in a simple way, so that they can feel identified, and can find themselves comfortable with their bodies and their growth. Parents and educators help us again, showing a way in which the proximity to children allows answer embarrassing questions and answer questions about age, using only our experience, and understanding towards their processes.

Don't let anyone mess you up. Everyone says that childhood and school years are the happiest time of life. But that's not entirely true. The stage that goes between the ages of ten and fourteen can be very fun, but, from the physical point of view, they will probably be the most disconcerting years of your whole life.

This book fits all possible concerns of boys and girls in this age: menstruation and wet dreams, hair growth, acne and voice changes. Girls grow breast and boys worry about the size of their penis. They are (in short) the same questions that raised doubts when we were in that age, only then it was not so easy for an adult to explain them to you without complexes, much less find a book to clarify.

"Once you have overcome puberty, you will have a reward: one of the happiest stages of your life will begin. The most wonderful thing that can happen to you will take place during these next years: you will find someone and you will fall in love. And sex also plays an important role in falling in love ... "

I liked "What is happening to me?", Is a clear and fun book at the same time, and responds to the most genuine concerns of boys and girls who are in puberty, in order that trust yourself more and feel understood. My children also seem to have enjoyed it, and have shared it with some friends.

The illustrations are again by Arthur Robins, a well-known English illustrator of children's and youth books; The book includes two sheets on the body growth of boys and girls from seven to 18 years old, which are very beautiful.

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